Keep your business monitored with Pingrely

Know all the available monitoring through our service

Websites Availability

Website Monitor

We monitor the Uptime and the responsetime of your Websites based on HTTP y HTTPs protocols

Keywords Monitor

We continuously monitor words that you indicate us within your website.


Website full load

We monitor the performance of your website measuring the time It takes to fully load.

External services

FTP Server Monitor

Check the response time for uploads and downloads of important files through your FTP server.

Port Server Monitor

We monitor the response time of the ports that you indicate us.

Mail Server Monitor

We monitor your mail server basing on SMTP, POP3 and IMAP protocols.

DNS Server Monitor

Pingrely can assure which DNS look-ups are working and if the DNS server is correctly resolving domain names.

Until now ...

Alerts Sent


Checkups made


+ Pingrely Features

Detailed reports

Automatic sending of daily, weekly or monthly reports.

Monitoring Locations

Setting of locations to test your Website and servers.

Checkups Time

Setting of time interval for the UpTime checkups.

Alerts Information

Setting of contact information for the sending of alerts against any incident.